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One of the things that's really keeping me away from being a PS4 or Xbox One early adopter is the way they're handling backwards compatibility. I can only have so many consoles plugged in at once and I have quite a sizeable PS3 collection I still play.
b-b-bu-but you buy new consoles to play new games. :roll: that argument is so dumb. People who want BC want convenience.One of the things that's really keeping me away from being a PS4 or Xbox One early adopter is the way they're handling backwards compatibility. I can only have so many consoles plugged in at once and I have quitea sizeable PS4 collection I still play.
Then get off your ass and put one away and get the other out. Its not like its a onerous task.One of the things that's really keeping me away from being a PS4 or Xbox One early adopter is the way they're handling backwards compatibility. I can only have so many consoles plugged in at once and I have quite a sizeable PS3 collection I still play.
[QUOTE="Pikminmaniac"]b-b-bu-but you buy new consoles to play new games. :roll: that argument is so dumb. People who want BC want convenience.One of the things that's really keeping me away from being a PS4 or Xbox One early adopter is the way they're handling backwards compatibility. I can only have so many consoles plugged in at once and I have quitea sizeable PS4 collection I still play.
Yeah it's nice to be able to just replace your old console instead having to add yet another.
P.S. Darn you! You quoted me before I fixed my mistake. I do not have a sizeable PS4 collection. My foolishness is there for all to see now :P
How will it work? Its not really backwards compatible if you have to repurchase the game. Or will you just put in the game as proof of purchase and then you get access to the cloud version?hummer700
:lol: no no no, you'll have to pay. Microsoft isn't gonna set up and maintain a bunch of streaming servers (most likely powered by something like the Nvidia Grid: for free. It might be free for gold members :?
[QUOTE="Pikminmaniac"]Then get off your ass and put one away and get the other out. Its not like its a onerous task.One of the things that's really keeping me away from being a PS4 or Xbox One early adopter is the way they're handling backwards compatibility. I can only have so many consoles plugged in at once and I have quite a sizeable PS3 collection I still play.
But it becomes a major inconvinience if you want to switch between PS4 and PS3 games often which would be the case for most people in the early days of a new console.
P.S. It is quite an onerous task for megiven that I have to pull out a sizeable collection of games and movies before moving furniture just to reach the power plug and plug in the system.
To Hell with that crap.
Microsoft should be making everyone's XBLA games carry over and offer all of the 360 arcade titles avaliable Day 1 with the XB1. There is no reason it should not work.
I could not agree more. I have a lot of games on demand on my HDD as well on my 360. If Xbox ONE treats 360 games like the 360 treated OG games, I.e. no party chat when playing Xbox OG games then to me that would just suck.One of the things that's really keeping me away from being a PS4 or Xbox One early adopter is the way they're handling backwards compatibility. I can only have so many consoles plugged in at once and I have quite a sizeable PS3 collection I still play.
[QUOTE="RR360DD"]Not interested. Have they clarified whether you can connect your 360 to the HDMI in port or notnavyguy21You can, but what would be the point? lol :PWell Im gonna keep the 360 hooked up anyway. Would be cool plugging it into the XOne and getting all the new features whilst still playing 360 games if it can do that
One of the things that's really keeping me away from being a PS4 or Xbox One early adopter is the way they're handling backwards compatibility. I can only have so many consoles plugged in at once and I have quite a sizeable PS3 collection I still play.
The reason for that is their adoption of x86 based architecture. If they had gone the PowerPC route, they probably could have stayed bc, but it would have made development/porting a huge hassle again this gen.Â
the hardware is probably more than capable of playing previous gen games, I'm sure hackers will figure it out, there's probably too much costly patent stuff to take into consideration with emulating hardware for either MS or Sony to want to pay to do solamprey263
Emulation is very hard to do. Even today, it requires a pretty decent PC just to emulate Wii games. It'll be a while until we're able to emulate current gen games.Â
Ah, one of the downfalls of going with an x86 chip is that you break backwards compatability. This is why the Wii U can play BC games while the PS4 and Xbox One cannot. It's also one of the reasons Nintendo didn't opt for an x86 CPU like the other two consoles did, but rather went for what they felt was a comparable option (which was PowerPC).
It's possible to remedy this through Cloud Technology, but personally I think the tech should be used for something other than BC games, or games in general. Because of the intense interaction between a gamer and a game (and the fact that Cloud requires internet), even the slightest hiccups in an internet connection could have a very big impact on the experience. Also, if those servers are ever shut off or discontinued, you don't have those games anymore.
I think the Wii U uses Cloud very well with Nintendo TVii. These are the kinds of things I want to see Cloud used for with the PS4 and Xbox One. Maybe not this specifically, but something along these lines. I just think this is what Cloud is more suited for.
Wasn't MS about to release a new 360 SKU for connecting to Xbox One, that is MS way of 100% BC:P
Nah, I think that eventually turned out to simply be the updated 360 console they released this year.
However, if they did make an attachment to the Xbox One, that didn't look like a tumor, and could play all 360 games, that'd be alright with me to be honest.
I really dislike the idea of owning tons of consoles, and keeping old ones around to play old games.Â
When my TV only has three shelves under it, that I can use for consoles, how am I supposed to fit an NES, SNES, N64, Gamecube, Wii U, PS2, PS3, PS4, Xbox, Xbox 360, Xbox One, Sega Master System, Sega Genesis, Sega Saturn, Sega Dreamcast, Atari 2600, Atari Jaguar, 3DO, Neo Geo, CDi, etc etc etc under there? :P
Just let me have one console!!!!
My PC can play over 30 years of PC games, and can emulate almost every console up to the Wii. It's pretty convenient. I want to see a console do this too. Nintendo is making an attempt at it with the Virtual Console, which is great, but it's got a ways to go.
I don't want it streaming like the lousy Gaikai. I want it to be able to see that I own the game through my gametag and then allow us to download a copy to my Xbox One where I can play it off my HDD. If it can't do this through software, then forget it.
b-b-bu-but you buy new consoles to play new games. :roll: that argument is so dumb. People who want BC want convenience.[QUOTE="bbkkristian"][QUOTE="Pikminmaniac"]
One of the things that's really keeping me away from being a PS4 or Xbox One early adopter is the way they're handling backwards compatibility. I can only have so many consoles plugged in at once and I have quitea sizeable PS4 collection I still play.
Yeah it's nice to be able to just replace your old console instead having to add yet another.
That is one of the awesome things I like about PC. When I build a new PC, I do not have to start my gaming collection over. I simply add to it.[QUOTE="Pikminmaniac"][QUOTE="bbkkristian"] b-b-bu-but you buy new consoles to play new games. :roll: that argument is so dumb. People who want BC want convenience.AmazonTreeBoa
Yeah it's nice to be able to just replace your old console instead having to add yet another.
That is one of the awesome things I like about PC. When I build a new PC, I do not have to start my gaming collection over. I simply add to it. No kidding. I can still play my Baldur's Gate from 1998 on a 2013 PC. Is that backwards, that I don't lug around a 1998 computer just to play it? I want to replace my hardware, not add to it.Please Log In to post.
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