I keep hearing people say that the 360 has alot of Japanese support and is gaining it. But no offense looking at the announced games and games being announced, I'm a little pondered.
Now I'm not denying that it isn't gaining some support, but outside of Capcom I don't really see
I mean first off the 360 hasn't had a Japanese third party exclusive announced was Ace Combat 6 almost 8 months ago.
Since then the only Japanese centric game I've seen announced as exclusive is Guilty Gear Overture which is a spin-off of a niche franchises. (Ninja Gaiden II is being published by Microsoft)
Not only that but I've seen few multiplats outside of Capcom announced for the system as well.
So far the only games outside of Capcom announced are The Last Remenant, Silent Hill 5, and Soul Caliber IV. 2 of the 3 had appeared on the original Xbox as well.
And the top tire third party Japanese games that are currently hyped (Infinite Undiscovery, Cry-On) have been announced for over a year.
Not only that but the most recent third party game annoucnements on consoles in Japan seem to be on the PS3 with Yakuza 3, Persona 4, Steambot Chronicles 2, Star Ocean 4, etc. (LINK)
I'm not trolling, just wondering why the people think that the Japanese third party support on the 360 is so strong if it's been so long since any announcements and few third party Japanese 360 games are being released.
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