[QUOTE="AncientDozer"][QUOTE="mazdero"][QUOTE="TheDuffman26"] So far my ps3 experience has been horrible. All the games I've waited and waited for (and I'm still waiting......)have turned out to be duds. I had high expectations for Motorstorm, Lair, and Heavenly Sword, but the only games I have that I like are Ninja Gaiden and Dirt.Rachet and Clank looks interesting, but I'm not 13 years old anymore and the only games that look really good to me are GT5, Killzone, and maybe Metal Gear. Those are so far off that by the time they come out,I could pick up a brand new ps3 for the same price I could sell mine for tomorrow.
So I see my ps3 paper weight just sitting here while the Xbox is pulling in AAA game after AAA game. I never expected Halo 3 to be getting 10/10 reviews across the board, same with Bioshock, but now I'm pretty sure that Mass Effect and more will follow. Every game that has been hyped for the 360 has lived up to the hype and then some. The same cannot be said for my ps3, in fact its the exact opposite. The only feature that I like about my ps3 is the excellent movie playback. I fell in love withmy ps3 for this reason and this is why its so hard for me to let go of it, but I want to play some Halo 3 god damnit! The only issue I ever had with Xbox is the RROD's and crap, but it looks like that issue has been taken care of and now, sadly, it is time to trade in my ps3 for an elite. Any others out there feel the same?
I fail to see how this is the PS3's fault. You are blaming the system for the lack luster performance of devs. If you look at the PS3's lineup, how many are from established, known great dev's? Not many. Most are from mediocre, or never really heard of devs. The only games made by great devs, like Insomniac, Bethesda, team ninja,ubisoft(vegas) are great AAA games. Now look at the 360 library, it is full of games made bygreat devs. Epic,Bethesda,Capcom,Bioware,Bungie,Rare, infinity ward. Is it a wonder why the 360 library appeals to you more than the PS3's? Especially given this is the 360's 2nd year, and PS3 hasn't even completed a year yet. At the end of this year, PS3 will have started having games from great Devs like Naughtydog,free radical, Epic,polyphony digital,infinity ward. Next year, they will have Capcom,hopefully square,konami,sucker punchetc.. Also, PS3 games are starting to be equal and even surpass the 360 in multiplats. I think that will stay pretty even though.
If you really have a PS3, then you should have known from the start what you were in for. Sony has always been notorious for delayed games. You also knew the line ups. I don't see much of a difference from other Sony launches. You must be new to gaming or something. You may regret getting rid of the PS3.
I would say get a 360 IN ADDITION to the PS3. Both have aslew ofgreat exclusives coming that you don't want to miss.
It always interests me when a person steps in to 'clarify' or 'defend' a system and what their justification is.
The blame game is a difficult one but pointing fingers doesn't change the fact that the PS3 lineup is, in this man's opinion, sub par. He doesn't really need to know whose fault it is; all he has to worry about is whether his money was well spent and if he is getting a return in this investment.
At presently he is not. And like myself, he doesn't want to keep being told "wait until later. . wait until later. . there's a silver lining in the distance".
Now. . is it Sony's fault? I don't know. Maybe it's their fault for not securing good companies and negotiating with them. Maybe they decided to take the risk by going to all these no-names and upstarts. . or maybe not. Who knows.
It is not a justification my friend, it is true. Look at the games and who is developing them, then take a look at the scores.
You act as if the TC is innocent in all this. He should have known what to expect. All of the information was out there, if he chose to ignore it, it is his fault. If you have ever bought launch Sony consoles, you would know what to expect. You like he, had your expectations too high, and should have been more real with yourselves. Come on, don't tell me you bought into the whole 4d, 120fps non sense? or that the KZ2 2005 trailer was actual game play?
I am saying it is not the PS3's fault, as in hardware like everybody keeps saying. The hardware is sound, and can produce some awesome things. It is up to the devs to produce. ItIS partly Sony's fault. They tried to do too much at once, and made another incredibly difficult to dev for system. They did not have the dev support from the beginning, but they have been supporting the devs for quite some time now with proper dev kits. If a game is short, or doesn't live up to expectations, the hardware is not to blame, but it is the people utilizing the hardware that are to blame. Also, fanboys over hype things which people buy in to. Then, when it doesn't measure up to the hype, there is huge disappointment, even though the game is still good. There is a huge stigma here that if a game doesn't score 9 or above, it sucks. this is not the case.
I am quite happy with my PS3 because I knew exactly what to expect early on, and I look forward to all te great games coming out soon. I am also quite happy with my 360 up to this point. I'm saying both systems are great, and he shouldn't short himself by getting rid of one for another simply because he didn't research. if he really wants to get rid of it, then more power to him I guess. IMO its a bad decision.
Isn't the point, that the PS3 is becoming frustrating to some of their owners?
It's not about blame or he should have known from current information or past consoles, why should he have to worry about that stuff.
When he made the decision to buy it, he listened to the prospects SCE spouted and it sounded good to him and got one.
People did the same with the Xbox 360, but the difference is MS has been bending over backwards to make it happen.
How is it the developers fault SCE decided on a CPU that wasn't even required for gaming and made things difficult. No the blame lies with SCE this time around.
What was fatal about that decision with the CPU, is that they underestimated MS and now the X360 is real competition, developers are feeling less and less forced to go Playstations way and spend the extra time and money making things work on the PS3. So more and more goes to the successful competition.
YES the PS3 is fine hardware but thats not enough is it? Its not enough that it can have awesome potential if time is invested in it, its not actually just designed for games, it is designed for a market with heavy competition. The hardware needed to be easy for development for a fast and flexable market.
If things don't change quick it will be too late, its no good a year or so later when the competition has all the support, games and market.
The original Xbox was easier to develop for but it was just too late, the same with the GC.
The problem is, the PS3 is riding off its successful brand only, but its eroding fast. What good is releasing its most important games which could be system sellers like Final Fantasy and MGS4 outside crucial periods such as this winter.
The reason these times are so important is because this is when these companies get to have an impact on the market and their user-base which affects the long term.
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