I had to make a fresh thread cause I'm just at a loss here guys help me out.
People are still trying to say that Halo is like the greatest gaming franchise ever.
NO....just NO...
I have been gaming now for 22 years. I have seen a lot of games in my time. Halo is BY FAR the most OVER-RATED series in video game history. It came along at just the right time graphics wise and had just enough of a fresh angle to snare people. Everything in the original halo had been done before, but it was the first time it came together in one package.
I've played and beaten the first two just so I could talk about it with my friends. The story is complete crap. It's like they made it up as they went along and finally just decided to rip off James Cameron's Aliens like every other sci-fi space marine shooter over the last 20 years. The art design isn't even that creative. OOOOOH shiny green metal!
I just still don't understand the appeal. Halo is the very essence of generic. I'm grabbing my flame shield now. Let it rip.
oh and PS.....I'm enjoying the crap out of Metroid Prime 3 right now.
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