True. I'm a Ps3 fan and I never hyped it, I'm pretty sure it'll get something like 8.8-8.9 maybe less. it'll get 9 on graphics, 8-9 on gameplay, 8-9 on music, 8-9 on lasting appeal.... won'T get ANY 10! And i'm a ps3 fan. I can't see what's SSSSOooo great about that game. I can see what's great about heavenly sword, about metal gear 4, about halo, about mario galaxy. But Killzone is in that range of FPS that we saw too often. Don't be surprised if resistance got 8.6 here. It adds nothing to the FPS experience. Another of those 1930-1950 game blahblahblah. Halo is something completely different, original. Metal Gear Solid remake the war yes... But in a Ssssooo incredible way... Final Fantasies are uniques RPG, you won't find any RPG which can be compared to those. Try to find an RPG comparable to FF6,7,8,9,10,12. (FF11 can be compared to WoW...) Killzone is... meh... comparable to MoH, CoD, Haze, RFOM, SoF, ..... a big bunch of games. In a king of game where there a LOTS of titles coming out, you better come with something really REALLY different, something that feels special. That's probably what made Halo that popular. Stop Hyping Killzone to beat Gears, it'll NEVER happen. If it gets a 9.0, you better be proud of it because that's about the max it can get here on gamespot, where the analysts are pretty hard on the reviews.
don't bash me Ps3 fan and owners, I'myours. I'm just realistic...
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