[QUOTE="PS3_3DO"]Did you say this when your PS2 crashed and gave you the DRE. 360 isn't perfect but all systems crash even the PS3 ask all those people playing the Warhawk beta a few months ago. There are lots of 360 games that will be great so I think it's worth it to keep your 360 and don't forget it took years for XBL to get where it is now so don't expect Sony to catch up anytime soon with MS. Oh and movies and TV shows the 360 has a whole lot of them right now it's going to take Sony a long time to match that. Some studios even hate Sony because after all there arein direct competition with them while you think Disney went over to MS. LaserGunzPewPew
But see, the PS2 and PS3 have a less than 1% fail rate, where on the other hand, Xbox360 has a 33% fail rate. That's a big difference.
33 % ? Why do you state that as fact ?
Its nowhere near 33 %.
I can't believe people really think the PS3 is better than the 360 . :lol: Thats a joke.
And why make a mistake and buy a PS3 this year. If anything the PS3 may be a good buy next year. Still not as good a sthe 360, but I know alot people don't know any better.
I showed my nephew the IGN gameplay trailer of KZ , he's 9 , and I ask him ifKZ2 looked good and he said , yeah it looks better than Halo 2 ! :lol: Than I ask him if it looked better than Gears or Halo 3 and he said ,No and laughed.
Kids never lie. The truth about KZ2. And I should him the video on my 360
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