What games of this gen, flawed, people talk shit about you will defend like a Samurai who's honor has been tread upon?
- Shitty Sam Fisher
- Controls are garbage compared to originals
- No light/sound meter
- Dumb ass scripted missions with forced combat
- The same type of enemies regardless of location (nonsensical)
- No hacking "press X" dummy
- Dumb ass leveling up mechanics
+ Genuinely viable to be played as both fast action and methodical stealth
+ Some really well designed levels that are both open nature, while simultaneously tightly focused
+ Perfectly balances SP/COOP
+ It is almost a laundry list of "shit we must fix" from Conviction
+ Shit tons of gadgets
+ Enemy locations change each load
+ Not some angry man revenge story
+ Other things I can't be arsed typing
This ain't no Splinter Cell 3, but it's still a respectable Splinter Cell, better than a good few of them.
Yet, game, that sold under Ubisofts expectations, and people talk shit about it like it's on the level of Conviction. Which is morally wrong.
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