So far, I think this game is definitely the better than Dark Souls, but I can't quite say if I like it more than Demon's Souls yet. The tedium of walking back and forth that was present in Dark Souls. is seemingly eliminated. Majalah is definitely more homier than the Firelink Shrine. It feels more akin to the Nexus, what with having to talk to someone to level up, you return to it more often. It's a base of sorts.
The environments are creepier than they were in Dark Souls, at least so far. It feels more macabre and overdrawn with death. Closer to Demon's Souls than Dark Souls. Death is also more like how it was in Demon's Souls as you all already know. But each death punishes you further, and while I'm sure it will be easier to farm for humanities later on, in the beginning you're even more cautious of being dead at the expense of worsening your hollowed status.
The AI is an improvement. I haven't coaxed any of them into jumping off an edge to their own deaths, so I am pretty surprised by that. They seem more responsive to your actions and aware of other enemies. Not sure how it will be with multiple players though.
Is it harder than Demon's Souls and Dark Souls? It's hard to say, as a veteran of the series. I'm certainly dying a lot less for obvious reasons (even without online multiplayer to help), but I think subsequent playthroughs may be more difficult due to certain elements being made harder to abuse... Or maybe we'll find out what's abusable in the coming weeks. Who knows.
The return of consumable healing items makes me less willing to take lazy hits so as not to waste the items. But if it's like in Demon's Souls, this may be easier to abuse as you grow more powerful in the game.
I think the narrative style is also more similar to Demon's Souls. People actually talk to you, and you're kind of forced to be involved with these other characters, whereas in Dark Souls, you just decide to do everything on your own accord (barring side-stories).
Tl;dr: More like Demon's Souls in a good way. For now, let's say this (still haven't gotten very far, so I don't know how true this is): Demon's Souls = Dark Souls 2 >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Dark Souls
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