wii is all fun and all, but if wii wasn't cheap as hell it wouldn't stand a chance against the ps3 and xbox 360.
atm the wii is at 15 million units or more and xbox 360 is it 13 or 14 and the ps3 is near 7 million units. in 2008 and 2009 it is time for the ps3 and xbox 360 to kill off the cheap annyoying wii which thinks they are the best.
*gta iv (ps3 n xbox 360)
*mgs4 (ps3)
*killzone 2 (ps3)
* haze (ps3)
* gears of war 2 (xbox 360)
*ninja gaiden 2 (xbox 360)
*dmc 4 (xbox 360 n ps3)
*tom clancy end war (ps3 n xbox 360)
* saints row 2
anyway i just think wii is for little kids. now with those games its time to push the wii at the bottom.
my proof:
well look at the hardware sales every since the ps3 started to drop its price. from 3-4 million to 6.5 close to 7 in dec. where you see the wii stay the same around 14-15 million.
the ps3 will win because of the build in blu-ray. people can say its bad or expensive to develop for etc........ in the end in the movies format people are buying blu-ray movies over hd dvd nearly 3to1 becasue of the build in blu-ray in the ps3. also director michael bay came out and said if mirsoft haven't been behind close doors handing out $100 million cheques to universal n paramount they will all goto blu-ray. and once all movies come to blu-ray then most developers will make more games for the ps3.
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