Right now the PS3 is in the doldrums. The new controller has not been revealed yet, the exclusive software it has is pretty poor and Home has not yet been implemented which is a vital component of Sony's unified online service But come 2008 Home will have been implemented, we will have a new PS3 SKU with the rumble controller and the PS3 should also have one or two exclusive AAA titles on it (namely Haze, Uncharted and Ratchet). In addition look forward to the following
- Two of the biggest third party exclusives of the gen will be relased for the platform (MGS 4 and FF13).
- Sony's first party lineup will start to solidify with the likes of Killzone 2, GT5, Little Big Planet and other key Sony Franchises.
- Team Ico should reveal the multiple titles they have in thre works for the system.
- We will finally see the fruits of the Cellius Namco/Sony joint project.
- Bioware will probably be revealing their PS3 title
- We should be seeing the first fruits of the Sony/Epic multipart exclusivity deal.
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