i used to like them because i felt that they made the game larger, but now i feel that achievements cheapen the experience and ruin much of the "explorative" factor to games
I think it would be awesome if games kept the achievements but made them all "secret" untill you find them. that way it will retain the aspect of exploring a game.
achievements remind me of playing a game with a strategy guide. Bioshock for an example, i want to go out and save/kill the children at my disgression and find out what my ending will be. without even finishing the game i know that the achievement that is huge is to rescue all of them to get the good ending. achievements are like spoilers when they are listed.
The actuall achievement in general is quite rewarding. to get a cool achievement like in crackdown when my guy is all the way upgraded is nice. but before i unlock it it should be "secret" i should not know exactly what to do in order to accomplish an achievement.
As of now, when i buy a new game, after i play it for a day or so, i take a quick scroll through the achievement lists so i get a general idea of what to accomplish. this is out of habit, but overall i feel that it cheapens the game because i feel like it makes the game closed minded.
after someone beats a game and gets all the achievemenets its possible not to want to play it anymore because all of the game is technically beaten.
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