Since its new to me it could be new to others as well. Some Destiny tidbits.
Welcome to the Frontier
Our civilization once spanned the solar system. Its ruins are still out there: buried in the dunes of Mars, hidden in the jungles of Venus, lost in a wild and abandoned Earth. For centuries we've huddled under the safety of the Traveler, protected from our enemies. Now, a new era has begun, and the only hope for our future lies in unlocking the greatest mysteries of our past.
The Traveler
Everything changed with the arrival of the Traveler. Long ago, it breathed new life into our system and began our Golden Age. But it did not last. Something hit us. Knocked us down. Tried to stamp us out. No one knows exactly what, but we do know this: very few of us survived, and those who did owe their lives to the Traveler.
The City
In our darkest days, Humans, Exos, and Awoken found the Traveler where it made its last stand, low above Earth, silent and immobile. We built this City our last within its protective shields, fighting countless wars to keep its peace. From that dark age, the Guardians of the City were born.
The Frontier
Abandonded Earth
- The wilderness beyond the walls of the City are ruined and corrupted, claimed by nature and our enemies. From the war-torn fortresses of the Twilight Gap to the skyward steppes of Old Russia, evidence of our lost glory still litters the Earth, waiting to be rediscovered.
Destroyed Moon
- Early exploration attempts have proven too dangerous. The City has since classified Earth's Moon as a Forbidden Zone.
- Awaiting reports from the Vanguard.
- Awaiting reports from the Vanguard.
 Sauce (and some more on the Guardians, our Enemies and Multimedia)
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