In Respone To Those Against Us…
February 08th 2009 Posted to Gaming Community, Off Topic, Random Thoughts
- EvGar
Why the post? I am sick and tired of all the "hating" going around. Sure, Killzone 2 may have gotten a TON of great reviews. And that's true. Killzone 2 is without a doubt one of the greatest things to grace any console as of now.
So! Why would I bring this up? Well apparently people just aren't satisfied. After my weekly trudge through all of the recent crap that has absolutely anything to do with Killzone 2 in Google, I have found abysmal posts saying that just because they played the demo, they know Killzone 2 will fail. One that especially caught my eye was a blog on Destructoid by Jim Sterling, with the title, "OMG! Killzone 2 is TOTALLY broken OMG actually!" (sounds like a 13-year-old girl doesn't it?) I won't link you up just because there is nothing worth reading there. In a nutshell, he said that based on the glitches we have seen on the demo, the game will be more of the same. One quote that just blew my gasket was " … pretty much confirmed something that I think we all knew deep down — Killzone 2 is a broken puddle of Nazi spunk that should never have been released."
Now you can say that you don't like a game, for personal reasons, politely let the next guy goggle over it, etc, but insinuating that EVERYONE who has ever even heard of the game thinks it will fail, that is just too much. Somebody is sitting too high on their ego-crafted throne. If you think a game won't be good, it's fine to say so. It's fine to bash it all you want (though it is highly frowned upon). But it is absolutely, positively, NOT OK to not be open to other opinions. What I speak of is trolling. And you know what? I may not like it, and may try to shut it up more and more. But obviously, this isn't working.
On a side note, I'm not even going to dive into the complaints about the controls. That's not even worth writing about. Moving on.
So, I say, sons and daughters of Helghan - ha ha just messing. What I'm trying to get across is this:
No matter what people say, no matter how much people can troll about it, Killzone 2 will be (and is) spectacular. And no one should be able to tell us otherwise. Bring it on!
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