In the last 26 months, the 360 has had the following AAAE at Gamerankings (and PC/360 Multiplats are INCLUDED in this list):
Halo 3
Gears 2
However, in the Last15 months, the PS3 has had the following AAAE at gamerankings:
Little Big Planet
Whipeout HD Fury (its getting a retail release)
Killzone 2
Demon's Souls
Uncharted 2
LittleBigPlanet GOTY edition
And in the next few months, the PS3 will have ALL of these games: Ratchet, Mag, Heavy Rain, God of War 3, Gran Turismo 5, and then in the spring quarter, we will have The Last Guardian and Agent (made by the Grand Theft Auto team, and they claim theyre trying to make Agent as significant as GTA is in the indusrty. The 360 has splinter cell, and alan wake. Mass Effect 2 will most likely be comming to PS3
On gamerankings, the PS3 has 17 AAA, and 7 AAAE, and 360 has 18 AAA and 5 AAAE.
within the next 6 months, how wide do you think the AAA gap will be?
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