what can Sony do ( besides cut the price ) to get the brand name back strong espicially in the U.S.
I think they need to get back right with the media. i mean every outlet is saying something negative about sony and they just act like it dosent bother them. they need to fix that ship first.
what do you think?
A price cut is only ever a short term fix. If Sony doesn't start getting more exclusive titles on the shelves, the price cut will only provide a quick spike in sales followed almost immediately by another lag.
Sony should cut the price, and then be prepared to deliver a steady stream of exlcusive titles. Starting with Killzone 2 and then Infamous, they should continue by announcingplans/dates for heavy rain, Uncharted 2, God of War 3, Final Fantasy Vs, the next Team Ico game, the new Twisted Metal, etc. Have all these games ready to go within a year from E3. That means a new exclusive every other month, if not more.
Sony has already taken way too long getting their footing. They can't wait anymore for titles that are going to come out 2 years from now. They need a price cut, then a pile of exclusive titles they can promote and brag about NOW to show people they have the games.
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