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remember these are luxury items, meaning you don't need them. If you are needing an incentive to get one one on launch day then don't get one on launch day. They aren't going anywhere, i'm not getting a ps4 till next year spring more than likely or even after E3 2014. Also there is going to be a major difference in games on the ps3/ps4 counterpart games. BF4 for example is going to have 64 player matches "something pc fanboys would often circle jerk around" while the ps3 version will only have 32.
Is there really going to be a huge difference between those game on the current and next gen consoles?ShoTTyMcNaDeSYes.
I think i am going to keep my PS3 considering the support is still there and the online is free, even though i am getting the PS4 launch, i think i would like to keep my foot in two waters before i fully embrace next gen
I was just wondering what the incentive to be an early adopter will be for those people who only play the so called "bro games"...I.e. CoD, BF4, Madden and NBA. Why won't they just ride out the current consoles until next year? Is there really going to be a huge difference between those game on the current and next gen consoles?ShoTTyMcNaDeSFor me, im just a tech junkie. Gotta get a ps4, day one, even if theres nothing to play for it. On topic, i will be getting killzone, battlefield, and getting my PlayStation Plus version of Driveclub. However, i will say that i will still be playing my ps3 a ton this fall because of GTA V, Batman AO, and Gran Turismo 6. Then sometime in the spring/summer i will pick up a xbone.
The PS4 is getting a F2P game as a lunch title. And the game was self-published by an independent developer. That's awesome. No wonder 500 devs are working on the system.
I was just wondering what the incentive to be an early adopter will be for those people who only play the so called "bro games"...I.e. CoD, BF4, Madden and NBA. Why won't they just ride out the current consoles until next year? Is there really going to be a huge difference between those game on the current and next gen consoles?ShoTTyMcNaDeScasual/those "bro" gamer friends will be an incentive. Mine see new consoles and get excited cause that'll mean games look cooler or whatever and its been awhile. They'll most likely pick the cheaper of the 2 systems. So far, I know like 5 people who decided to get a ps4 (and keep in mind, most of these guys NEVER even had a ps3 or another PS system) and getting Battlefield 4 and launch with the plan to get COD Ghosts around Christmas and then Destiny as soon as that comes out.
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