everything you want eh. is that why MGS4 was sub-HD and upscaled? is that why many multiplats still look better on 360? is that why many PS3 games just fail to live up to their 'in-engine' CG hype trailers?
like everything with games i believe it when i see it. so far i've seen nothing but things falling short of expectations on the ps3.
i'm not saying the PS3 can't do things well, i'm just saying it's insane to say it can do 'everything you want' especially after MGS4 and what Kojima had to say. i mean if you can't do that game in native 720p even there's something wrong (read memory bottleneck).
chills yo.
quality in multiplats was due simply to difficulty in developing for the PS3. Obviously, devs are getting used things since pretty much every recent multiplat are pretty much identical and at times slightly better. Why not consider the fact that the best looking PS3 exclusives look better than the best looking 360 ones... and 360 had a year head start.
As far as MGS4 goes, Kojima wanted everything. Not just graphics and the enormous size of the game, but also the insane sound. I'm sure later down the road in PS3's life, devs would be able to implement dev techniques more efficiently.
Kojima said the same thing about the PS2 when he finished MGS2 right? Although MGS2 remained an incredible looking game last generation, there were plenty other PS2 titles that topped it... even some of Kojima's own games like MGS3 and ZOE2.
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