Sucker Punch creative director Nate Fox has said developers should focus on quality, not quantity - suggesting inFamous is being produced with the former firmly in mind.
"Look at God of War - it is an excellent game, an instant classic, and it's only like seven hours long," he said in our Live Text interview. "GTA IV is 30 hours long, and people wanted more? That just tells you how excellent that game is.
"It seems to me that it's not about length, but about quality," Fox continued. "And because I love both of those games, I hope that developers never try to shoot for a long game, but instead for the most fun they can pack onto the disc - at any length. That's what we're doing for inFamous."
Sucker Punch is best-known for producing the Sly Raccoon series on PS2. However, their new game is a PS3 exclusive with a much darker tone. There's no word on when it'll be released yet, but Fox hinted that a downloadable demo could be in the works.
"You can expect to see some downloads from PlayStation Network closer to our release date," he said. What about downloadable content following the game's launch? "You'll have to wait and see."
Fox did confirm the game will feature Trophies, however. "We'd be complete and total jackasses not to support them," he observed. "They are videogame crack and everybody knows it."
I'd rather have a quality game then a long and boring one like GTA IV.
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