Now, so I get my stance on the game out of the way first, I love the demo (play it a couple times a day) and will be getting the game as soon as I have the money.
The reason I am saying this is the lack of exposure the game has had outside of the gaming world. On gaming websites, Ads can be seen from time to time which is great. But in the real world, there is no advertising going on. In the UK, even in GAME and Gamestation there are no posters up or any anticipation.Even my friends who are big into gaming have never heard of the game. Now if even the people who do game a little don't know about it and the games outlets don't advertise it, How will the average person know how great a game this is and jump on the bandwagon?
It's such a shame to know that a AAA will not get the sales figures that it deserves just because of the lack of exposure. I know that Sony is going through rough economic times but as it goes "you need to spend money to make money".
Now the more system wars part, would this game sell better on the 360? I hate to say it but do believe so, ONLY for the fact that Microsoft would advertise it for what it's worth. Only reason. If Microsoft was advertising this as much as Sony at the moment, I believe It would be getting just as many sales.
Of course I could be COMPLETELY wrong and we see this game sell like hot cakes, but somehow i doubt it.
I don't know about the rest of the world so is the lack of advertising the same in NA and everywhere else?
Do you agree? Disagree? Or agree to disagree :P?
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