I just don't understand why people say that innovation is dead. There's been many games lately that are innovative. For the record, no gen was ever full of unique titles, but more so this gen than last even, we're getting more unique titles.
Understand- this is only examples, not all
Small step innovaters: Bioshock- used rpg elements and blended it into a shooter form, Timeshift- controlling of time and it works very well. Allows for stealth, crazy puzzles, and whatnot. , Assassin's Creed
Medium step innovaters: Kameo -combing of your powers, for ex. set and oil out and burn it- on the go), rock band, gears of war- this wasn't the first cover system, graw came before it and killswitch before thta, but it was the first game to use a cover system on the fly without having to settle stop, and plant.
Big step innovaters (no explanations here)- Little Big Planet, Viva Pinata, Banjo: Nuts and Bolts, Halo 3, Portal
Edit: it just occured to me some people may bash these, so I will give an explanation: LBP for the level design and co-op physics puzzles, Portal for the portal puzzles, Banjo for the vehicle creation puzzle stuff, Halo 3 for forge and the rise of theater mode/ video uploader, and Viva Pinata for it's utilzation of the environment into attracting... camera.. I really don't feel the need to explain this.
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