Try to avoid trashing Naughty Dog when I can, even if I haven't enjoyed a game they've made since Uncharted 2, because I see what they're specialty is and think for what they do, they do it well. Graphics and fluid animation (even if for us the input isn't very responsive), they have a focus on the outlandish set-pieces and impactful character moments.
Some have told me two of the more recent games I haven't ever played: The Last of Us 2 and Uncharted 4 have great gameplay, however I've seen that more debunked than proven to be true. If anything I feel Naughty Dog fans are very much caught up in the hype and just enjoy what the developer does (similar to a Bethesda fan). Even if it's a pacing nightmare with so-so actual gameplay, and that's assuming Naughty Dog even trusts you with controlling the game to begin with. They look great and have entertaining set-pieces. That's what fans want, a visual marvel to praise. Even so if another person tells me The Last of Us is better than Resident Evil.. just see yourselves out.. I'm so tired of having that conversation.
So to answer the actual question I personally pick Insomniac. Generally they just make more fun games, and that's not just because Insomniac understand we want to play our games too. Way more responsive and fluid controls over Naught Dog third person catalog. & usually with solid pacing over Naughty Dogs love for the slow walk RP segments.
R&CF: A Crack in Time is such a great game, it's actually one of my favorite games ever. Also for what they are I liked the Resistance trilogy, not great but good games, I'm surprised they pulled off making FPS games honestly. On that note Insomniac has ventured out and made all kinds of games. Naughty Dog has been making RP walking Gears of War clones for well over a decade. So way more one-note by comparison when compared to Insomniac. Sure mostly a Ratchet & Clank fan myself & no means a fan of the Spider Man games, however if that's what keeps Insomniacs lights on to make other games? so be it.
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