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Started to get sick of em.
There hasn't been a good modern warfare fps tho besides COD4 since SOCOM 3 and BF2. So as for COD4, LOVE IT.
But sci-fi shooters?? Er.. I'll pass.
Only interested in Bioshock and Crysis really. Even Half Life 2 Ep 2 would be a lil bit stale to me if it didn't come with the colurful and crazy Team Fortress 2.
as long as they keep releasing platformers and racing games and fighers then they can make as many shooters as they want imo
look at it this way, this may be the era of the shooter when all the greatest shooters came out and in 5 years shooters will be the minority and we'll look back on this time with nostalgia "remember the boom headshot guy?"
personally even though i'm playing COD4 there's Haze next month and UT3 at the end of the year and Killzone 2 next year and Resistance 2 next year as well and i'm sure Halo 3 will last a long time, good time for fps games
What would really revive FPS games, is sort of a virtual reality system where it feels like you are actually in the game.. not 3D glasses.. a proper virtual reality.
Virtual worlds etc, are not due until about another 8-10 years unfortunately.
Seriously. The FPS market is way too oversaturated. The problem with gaming these days is that games are getting way too expensive to produce so publishers don't want to gamble onany new ideas so we get games likeHalo 3 (halo 2.5 to be honest) and Call of Duty 4 (call of duty 2.5),which only minimize theimprovements of what has been donebefore. StrangeMeetingYou nailed it right on the head. I still like FPSs(can't wait to get a Crysis-worthy PC), but the problem is that there's just too many of them that follow the same linear formula of "go in room, kill all enemy, rinse and repeat". (Okay, so Crysis still has you going along a general path, killing the same enemies along the way, but at least I have more choice in doing so. Plus, the environments are far more dynamic, especially when things such as trees and small shacks that were once indestructible cover points can now be easily blown away with a little gunfire.) I, for one, would like to see more FPS/RPG hybrids(something like an Elder Scrolls game, but with a vastly improved RPG aspect), particularly with a dynamic campaign system where the land constantly shifts hands, battles pop up anywhere and everywhere, and each battle has a noticable impact on the war itself. (Dynamic campaigns are nothing new-combat flight simulators like Falcon 4.0 have had them for years-but I find them quite lacking in other genres.)
im just getting sick of generic fps
with the same story either having to do with an alien invasion
or a terrorist plot and of course ww2 shooters
man i want someone to make a trippy vietnam game(a good vietnam game)
Sick? Not just yet but it's getting there. In a certain sense I'm already darn near desensitized to shooters. After playing Halo 3, Bioshock, Orange Box, Call of Duty 4, Resistance: Fall of Man, and soon, Haze, I think I'll have my fill of shooters for a long while. However, all of those gamers are so good that they actually still provide entertainment despite the fact that they're all shooters. But at some point you reach critical mass and you have got to say, "enough already".
It's for that reason that I'm looking forward to games like Assassin's Creed, Uncharted, and Mass Effect. Sometimes you just want a change of pace. Not to mention a change of scenery. After killing the umpteenth Covenant Brute, or head-shotting some dude on LIVE, even Halo 3 starts getting old...
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