Whether it is out of demand for more cinematic and easier to play games, or out of a need to please the console crowd, BioWare, like many companies, is going straight down the path of casualizing their video games. We've seen it all before. At first, it was regenerating health. And then, it was the conversations wheel. Now, it's hack and slash action.
I watched several gameplay videos of Dragon Age II today and became very apprehensive about the changes they have made. The animations are still as awkward as ever. The game looks more like a hack and slash than an RPG descended from the roots of DnD. You can no longer tilt back the camera like in Baldur's Gate II (or the original Dragon Age, for that matter). There are a number of other tweaks as well, but I can safely say that Dragon Age II is no spiritual successor to Baldur's Gate II.
I don't know what is forcing BioWare to abandon their roots (they pretty much created one of the best CRPGs of all time, and they are throwing all that away just to please the casual crowd and console kiddies?), but Dragon Age II and Mass Effect (no matter how good the mainstream press declares them to be) will ever recapture the complexity, mystique, and general satisfaction that games like Baldur's Gate, Planescape Torment, and Icewind Dale once had.
I blame the need to cater to console kiddies for these changes. I know, EA has to make money, but these changes bother me because there is simply no respect for traditions and old conventions anymore! Especially traditions that have made these games popular to begin with!
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