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I own a PLAYSTATION 3 and was just wondering what people thought.Ive heard some developers and fans say it is and others say its not. Opinions? ;)Robinho1873
Well, it's likequestioning whether DVD was needed.I mean, we could've just kept making multi-disc games on CD, but obviously, people would eventually become intollerant of this. So, yes, I think by the end of this generation, people are really going to feel constrained by DVD, which will be a huge benefit for the PS3 in the future.
All im going to say is there already making green ray, i have and prefer 360's btw before you start slagging me offjesus_markii
Wait, what are you trying to say? You prefer 360's? You prefer 360's what? Also, what does "slagging me off" mean? I don't think I've ever heard the word "slagging" before. Ever. You are crazy.
More disc space is essintial so yeah it is. It can be argued it wasn't absolutely needed this gen but it is better long term regardless. And by the way people it isn't really adding anything to PS3's production cost anymore.... the diodes are like $8 (someone linked it awhile ago) and the Cell does the decoding (decoding hardware is what makes stand alones so expensive). Sony just took a big hit at first and it benifits them long term, gives developers more space, and benifits us with HD movies and games that use the space. It really only benifits everyone.
Next gen will probably be Blu-ray across all consoles unless the stupid format war keeps pointlessly continuing.
[QUOTE="jesus_markii"]All im going to say is there already making green ray, i have and prefer 360's btw before you start slagging me offdewmandew7
Wait, what are you trying to say? You prefer 360's? You prefer 360's what? Also, what does "slagging me off" mean? I don't think I've ever heard the word "slagging" before. Ever. You are crazy.
''slagging'' is a term used by scottish/english people to refer to when someone is insulting you
[QUOTE="dewmandew7"][QUOTE="jesus_markii"]All im going to say is there already making green ray, i have and prefer 360's btw before you start slagging me offRobinho1873
Wait, what are you trying to say? You prefer 360's? You prefer 360's what? Also, what does "slagging me off" mean? I don't think I've ever heard the word "slagging" before. Ever. You are crazy.
''slagging'' is a term used by scottish/english people to refer to when someone is insulting you
And welsh ^^.
I dont think so, maybe later but not right now,
Speaking of multi game discs, is there a game that uses more than 1 dvd that it is not on the gc like re4 or msg? Just wondering cuz i havent seen one.
[QUOTE="KillaHalo2o9"]They can always use 2 DVDs :oniall077
yes and heck why use dvd and a 2 dvd game can go on 25 cds
A smart developer would release it on 10 000 floppy disks. Or an even smarter developer might design the game around the hardware limitations of whatever system he is working on :shock:
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