Now, don't get me wrong, I thought Crackdown was a fairly decent game, and I still play it occassionally from time to time, but I help feeling that it's just not the AAA material that people seem to make it out to be. There are several issues that really bring the game's decency down significantly for me (a lot of which are included in Gamespot's review), the main ones being:
- Not especially appealing graphics - I don't like this quasi-cell-shaded appearence games appear to try and get away with these days (e.g. Champions Online) - it should either be cell-shaded or not cell-shaded. Check out Jet Set Radio Future for how cell-shading should be done. I think that Borderlands does it right too, though (and that's not full cell-shading).
- Auto-aim - I resent auto-aim in games, especially when it allows you to lock onto people's heads so easily. The auto-aim was one of the reasons Just Cause recieved mediocre reviews, and I think its unjust that Crackdown isn't brought down because of it. What's more stupid is that even if you headshot someone without using the auto-aim, it doesn't actually count as a headshot.
- Repetitive mission structure - this, for me, is one Crackdown's greatest problems. There's only one type of story mission, and it isn't even original or especially fun. What's more is that the elimination of the enemies doesn't even vary - they're never in vehicles or anything (from what I remember). Every mission just involves fighting trhough mindless drones and killing a boss.
- Lame, if not non-existent story - one of the greatest things about popular open-world games is their story, and Crackdown (even with its twist at the end) doesn't have a decent story. There is practically no story whatsoever. Understandably, the reason the story doesn't progress is because enemies can be eliminated in any order, but they still could have put more effort in.
- Only two types of side-mission - in many ways, Crackdown is similar to Assassin's Creed (which is condemned for being repetitive) and yet it is not frowned upon for the reasons that Assassin's Creed is. Granted, they do have their differences, but Crackdown, to a greater extent than Assassin's Creed has very few side mission types - namely two, both of which are races.
There are a few other issues that I have with the game, but they are too petty and could easily be counter-argued due to the fact that they are predominantly based upon opinion.
The reason I bring it up now, is because so many people (including critics) compare it tremendously to inFAMOUS, acting as if Crackdown raised teh bar significantly for open-world games, and inFAMOUS merely copied it. I don't this does inFAMOUS justice, as anyone who has played them both through would know that they are incredibly different in so many ways.
Basically, my question to you is, do you think Crackdown deserves the status it is given by gamers, or is it over-rated? Please, give your opinions, but don't insult me - I am merely asking you a question and giving my own view-point.
Also for those of you who own a Playstation 3 and Xbox 360, which do you prefer, Crackdown or inFAMOUS?
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