I'm starting to think now that Destiny is somewhat similar to the disaster of the Star Wars prequels. A well liked development studio comes back years later with something fresh and new and ends up missing the point entirely. The Star Wars prequels are massive failures in storytelling, characters, cinematography, acting, etc. State of the art visuals and memorable soundtracks were the only good things about them. Destiny released and it's a massive failure in basic game design, story, atmosphere, mechanics, etc. Again, the visuals and soundtrack are the only things that are actually great.
A lot of people were in denial when the first episode of Star Wars came out. It actually didn't review that terribly. Heck Roger Ebert gave is a 3.5/4. I feel like a lot of people are also in denial over Destiny. They just can't imagine a game so big like this being so terrible. As a result, it also reviewed quite decently. Heck, major gaming websites still think it's a contender for game of the year awards.
The first batch of updates and DLC came out for Destiny, but none of them have actually made the game better. If Destiny 2 turns out to be similar to the first game, I think we might have our official star wars prequel shit fest for video games.
Anyone else have similar thoughts?
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