Do you really not care about the features on a console/PC? is that really true? Hermits i'm looking at you while you D/L music and Play online Multiplayer/Or listen to be on vent/TS and and play a game.
Everyone says it's about the games OMGZORZ, but is it really? When it comes to 360 and Wii yes it's mostly about the games because there limited in what they can do, but remember not everyones life revolves around there console and playing games.
Why do i game mostly on my PC? Because i can do alot of things on it,play DVD's/Games/Internet sites like Youtube, ESPN Gamespot.I would need a PC in my house 24/7 but take away my Consoles for years won't effect my ability to do Neccasry task. BTW we got Crysis and WOW Lich King to tide us over.
Now here comes the PSP and PS3, while everyone screams OMGZ DS and 360 are better. hold up just one sec before you finish that sentance. Cause i'm about to blow your mind.
Ok you know the Things the PSP can do over the DS?(Movies,Music,Movies on disc,TV tuner,camera) Ok we'll guess what? the PSP is more like a Mini PC. Have you saw Movies and the terrorist are using a PSP? guess what they probally do foreal cause it can be Modded to do so. Like i said it's like a Mini PC.
the PS3 is like a Linux PC. Sony is not allowing Games to be played on it though(example freeware linux versions of games(like Savage) So Sony actually has the best Technoligy Console/Handheld wise on the market. I would like to see a Army edition of a PSP with a Wireless Camera that can be attached in any close location(like a Knife or Stick) the Possibiltys are endless for both those consoles and IF PC's do pretty good because of those Capabiltys then i think Sony will be fine. I didn't even have to mention Blueray.
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