I personally think Nintendo gets bashed alot about this really. Its Nintendo job to make the system and make a few games along with it.
However Nintendo cannot babysit the thing forever. Its its time when it grows up and it has to start relying on third party developers. Unfortunately most of the third party developers who make games for the wii are complete garbage. But honestly is that the Wii's fault? or Nintendo? I personally blame these darn developers trying to cash in minigames for full fledged games, "cough: CARNIVAL GAMES "cough"
But heres hoping that Nintendo gets a new Mario or Zelda out as soon as possible thoe:)
I think the wii can be a great system if the developers would actually spend a little time with the system. Their is no excuse if their are motion control problems if you ask me. I also can cast some blame on the blasted PS2. Now don't get me wrong I love my PS2. It could be the best system I have ever bought. But Sony has got to move on. The PS2 is pretty much on live support. They need to pull the plug so Developers can get at least decent multyplatform games with the wii instead of stupid buggy PS2 ports.
Overall the wii is a decent system. It did great when it was first released. But developers need to get work with this system so they can egt some good games out for it:(
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