Most games in any genre today try to find a way to "stand out" from their brothers. Normally, the changes consist of technical advancements or gameplay enhancements that attempt to prevent the game from being considered generic in its genre. The genre to experience the generic tag the most would be shooters of any kind.
Shooters receive the generic tag the most because of its inability to change dramatically from what it is. However, it seems like shooters are trying to take advantage of the other genres by blending in with it. The most recent example:
It mixes the FPS genre with an RPG genre to "feel right". This game is still a true to the heart FPS, but mixes RPG elements that do not make it feel like a regular FPS. Amazingly, a lot of people have yet to consider this game generic despite some minor shortcomings.
Borderlands seems to be well received when "compared" (using this term loosely) to a game like:
MAG (Massive Action Game)
Despite extending its player limit to 256, it still plays and acts like a shooter just like Borderlands. Based on some opinions around this game, a lot of them feel that this game is generic, or doesn't bring anything new to the table other than the lobby room size.
Although both games are in the FPS genre, so far Borderlands seems more accepted than MAG based on Borderlands' inclusion of RPG elements. While there are not many possibilities of every genre blending with every genre, do you believe games can get more interesting based on the genres it decides to use, otherwise, do you believe that there are genres that can be mixed to be more interesting?
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