A lot of people believe more is better in todays world. But is it really?
We shop at places like costco, BJ's as well as other places in order to get the most bang for our buck.
But the question I will ask is, Are more games better or is it just an out to make your system look better?
I believe the answer is we do it to justify our feelings. Because at the end of the day despite the fact some systems have more games, are you really going to go the extra mile to make your system look good by saying it has sneak king, party babies, Gundam Wing Dynasty warriors and big rigs?
With the PC comign in with over 2000 games rated at metacritic people will still have to sift through a lot of things to find the games they want to play. As well as the other systems.
The 360 has A little over 800 games now.
The PS3 Has a little over 400.
And the wii is closing in on 600.
All Rated on metacritic.
Because I believe at the end of the day we do find our little niche titles that we enjoy that scored low.
But I believe a majority of the user populace buys games that are more well known and heavily advertised.
Because people will say their system has more, but yet they fail to mention the extremely poor rated games.
The bolded statements are my opinions so take them as you will.
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