1st post here so hey everyone. :D
I've been thinking of getting a 60gb 360 for a while now and what with the recent price drop and everything it seems to me like now would be a good time to buy one. However, I already own a shiny PS3, and I don't know how much use I'll get out of it.
Could any of you give some advice on 360 exclusives coming out this year (and next!) and how good the graphics, gameplay etc are in relation to the PS3? Also what do you think of xbox live compared to psn? Would you say it would be money well spent at this stage in the 360's life?
Sorry if it seems like I'm asking too many questions here, but the only time I've played a 360 was in HMV :P .
Thanks in advance.
Exlcusives for 2008 and 2009- Gears 2, Fable 2, Left 4 Dead, Banjo 3, Star Ocean 4, Mass Effect 2, Splinter Cell Conviction, Halo Wars, Alan Wake.
Graphics- the majority of multiplats look better on 360 but that's a thing of the past, they're now pretty much equal. I wouldn't say the 360's graphics can match those of some of the PS3's exclusives such as Uncharted, KZ 2, Heavy Rain etc. But it has great graphics, don't wory about that.
Gameplay- the 360 does have the highest rated games of his gen. But if, like me, you don't care about ratings, that shouldn't mean anything to you. It does currently have more RPG's than the PS3, but seems to have less shooters in it's lineup.
XBL/PSN- Honestly, the only real important advantages I can think of for XBL now are the unified voice chat, cross-game invites and the movie store. And in my experience it has less dedicated servers. Don't let that put you off though, Halo 3 and GeOW online should keep you occupied for a long time.
Verdict- money well spent indeed.
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