Meh for some genres. Civ 4 and Baldur's Gate own my soul after all. But there's no Zelda, no Dead Rising, no God of War. I prefer consoles over all.locopatho
There is Gears of War though !!! There will be DMC4 and GTA4. There will be Mass effect and Halo 3.There will be Fable 2. And so many other games plus the PC exclusives.!! So why not? IF someone wants to spend more money on PC,actually he gets far more than an awesome gaming platform.
Highest form of graphicsloseittoo
Not only. Because RTS - MMORPGs - FPS - playing better,feel better. And if you want to play a consolite game you simply attach a Xbox or PS controller to your PC. Its that simple.(for games like DMC4 and alike)
yes it is but console gaming is more fun and interactivedelol
Depends your tastes to say more fun. If you cant live without SMG and Zelda then yes you can say that.So for other consoles.But overall... Theres nothing comparable. As for interactive,no comment!!One thing to add? I can playALL PC games since 1996 (huge game library)PLUSALL previous gen console games thru emulators. So PC is the best backward compatibility platform. That plays from gameboy DS to PS2,DC,SNES,GENESIS,PSone,N64,GC, EVERYTHING,that previous gens can offer since 1988!!!!!!!!!!!
PS>If you own the cartridges or CD-roms/DvDs of thegames you play thru emulator you arent illegal by the law btw,whoever wants to know!!!
I can say 21312 more reasons to prefer a PC than a console.Internet -Multimedia-123123 net free games,chats,uploads-downloads and more and more and more. But we talking about games only here (even if good net and free net games is a huge plus imo). So to end this,if you arent fan of Zelda-mario / MGS4-FF13 cant see a reason to spend more than 300-400 for a console. If you are then yes it worths to buy a console.its simple as that. But you cant compare a PC to any console Overall,because PC is far better in any way you try to see it.
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