Many have being those who think of Phil Spencer as some kind of savior of the xbox one,after the whole MS fiasco caused by their always online no used games policies and the way all was handle.
But i think he is more of an executioner than a real savior of the brand and i tell you why.
1.MS stopped talking about anything having to do with numbers,something that MS never did even when the original xbox came out they talk about NPD and even brag when the xbox outsold the PS2 once or twice under a price drop,with the 360 it was all about bragging now is all secrecy.
2.Lack of effort to secure exclusive games and its subsequent announcement of xbox first party games hitting PC.
3.The merge basically with PC on windows 10 or the so call unity which is something MS has avoided with great effort i may add because MS in the first place didn't want people to see the xbox as a cheap branded MS PC,it was the reason the OG xbox never got and internet navigator,and the reason only the end of last gen they release IE for xbox 360.
4.Fable cancel,2 studios Kill on a moment were the xbox one is basically gameless and suffering from a weak line up this year.
I think is clear the direction taken by the brand now is not a good one,the xbox basically loss its soul and reason on being if PC get all xbox one exclusive it would be nothing more than a cheap PC with non of the benefits and all the bad things like an online fee and enclosed environment.
I guess only time will tell if Phil was put in place to save the brand or actually try to transition part of its user base to windows store and close the xbox brand once and for all.
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