Poll Is PS4 the graphic whore platform now? (59 votes)
Once upon a time, around 2007, a game called Crysis came along. It used future technology. Pc gamers pounded there chests with pride. Egos skyrocketed.
It suffered because of it. Many accusing it (falsely) of visuals over substance. A vapid experience with poorly designed gameplay, with it's only really selling point pretty visuals.
Since then Crytek jumped ship, enraging graphic whores, Many PC ports look better, but they are just that, ports. Marginally better. Even CDP now build games with consoles in mind.
Would it be correctly to assume, with it's large library of shallow movie games, multiple "ok at best" titles, that PS4, with it's now, top tier visuals has taken the crowned as thee platform for vapid graphic whores?
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