I'l make it short:
2) I have a PS3
3) I want to buy Skyrim for my PS3
4) Bethesda released a PS3 version. Currently 95 on MC, i think.
5) Yayyy!!! Perfect, right?
*GAF impressions of the past FOUR console Bethesda/Bethesda published games*
"New Vegas was a nightmare. The stuttering popped up at about 20 hours / 5mb, and just grew worse and worse. At first restarting the game would make it go away. But as I finished the game up, even that didn't work. The ending sequence was a sloughfest."
"Oblivion had a version of this bug with the Shivering Isles expansion. There was an infinite counter in a script somewhere and it kept growing and growing until the game broke. Either this is something that will affect the 360 as well or it really is specific to ps3 save format."
"THe rumor with the PS3 version is that the performance degrades over time right? I noticed that when looking around about Fallout: New Vegas as well. If that is indeed the case, I wonder what's going on in that engine of Bethesda's."
"If I recall correctly, Morrowind on Xbox also had drifting NPCs that could clip through inaccessible geometry and stop your progress in the game if that NPC was required to advance the quest lines."
On Skyrim:
there's STILL that issue of a growing save file on PS3? ****** Bethesda, get your **** together seriously. either your PS3 coders are clowns or you're intentionally trolling PS3 owners.
Fallout 3 and New Vegas became pretty much unplayable for me when my save file reached 12-15mb. framerate often dipped to an incredible 1 frame per several minutes. i literally made myself dinner during a VATS sequence.
there's no excuse for this sort of unforgivable, laughably horrendeous bugginess that still hasn't been fixed after so many years.
FFS, go ask Rockstar how to make a big game stable.
"I'm like 50 hours in; my save files are around 8MB now. Some messed up pathfinding made a few important NPCs totally disappear from my game. They also took with them the game's quest marking system since that broke, too, for every single quest. I somehow managed to glitch it all back to normal after struggling with the oldest save file I had created before the incident became completely irreparable. =\"
"My save files are almost 8 megs and the game is chugging along sooo slowly. Walking through Whiterun was like a damn slideshow. And the game wasn't running so bad up until tonight. I noticed it grow progressively more sluggish over the weekend, but tonight was a whole different can of worms. This needs to be fixed ASAP."
"16 hours in, loving the game, and i just sold it because it seemed to be on its way to imploding. Apart from that problem, i was okay with the ps3 version. My gaming sessions weren't even that bad but it was starting to get worse and i don't want to be 60 hours into it with a chance of doom."
"Once you hit 7mb, you will start to notice a drop in performance. If you follow some of the steps posted in this thread it will help. One of the best tips is to take a 10-15 min break every two hours or so."
"apparently when your save file gets to 5.5mb the performance tanks. I'm creeping up to that point and i'm noticing more stutterting/frame rate dips, but if it's only going to get worse i'm really mad that Bethesda put out such a crappy game that i'm 15 hours into, so i either have to buy the 360 version and start all over which i hate doing, or continue and have a progressively worse experience.
Shouldn't have bought this game."
This is one of the best reviewed games this year. One of the strongest GOTY contenders!
How can reviews overlook these serious game-breaking issues? Did no one play the PS3 version or PS3/M$ version of the older Bethesda games? Are reviewers playing magical copies of Bethesda games that work? REPORT THESE THINGS IN YOUR REVIEWS, FFS!!!
I almost paid 70EUROS for Skyrim the other day if it wasnt for an internet forum full of unfortunate players that went ahead and bought it day one in face of all the high praise from the press. The game looks great, but if it becomes unplayable halfway through it, its useless.
And if Bethesda keeps ignoring these issues like they did with Fallout 3 and New Vegas, we are left with a string of broken titles that could've have been great if someone bothered to give the developer hell for their incredible lack of polish.
Man i'm pissed off right now. Really wanted to buy this
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