"Greatness Awaits". I'm still awaiting. I have a ps4 too and I'll even say that. It's not like the xbone is any better but at least they don't have that slogan.
AC Unity is probably the most next gen looking "game" so far. And with the amount of content they have packed on the map very little of it is actually interesting. I'm still awaiting for the game on that one. Great city and tech demo on parkour that doesn't even work right yet. Outside of that and some very cool next gen transitions there is nothing great there.
Shadow of Mordor might be a more cohesive game but it's still a last gen game as far as the amount of stuff going on on screen and I don't see what is so great or next gen about it. Even the nemesis system. They couldn't program that on older systems?
Infamous has nice graphics but was just as hollow an experience.
I'm still awaiting. Project Cars looks pretty cool though. Bloodborne and the Witcher. Not great but we've had to wait a year and half to even get a game that seems to actualy be next gen.
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