So I 1st started thinking things were a little wacky with Sony's advertising people when they used grafitti to advertise their PSP. It was a guerilla ad campaign that put up hand spray-painted ads that angered denizens of the many towns targeted in the campaign. Sony appologized and cleaned up their mess shortly after.
Then came the announcement for the PSP in white, in which one ad depicted a white woman squeezing a black woman's face. Sure, there were ads where this scenario was reversed, but that fact did little to quell the antipathy generated by the campaign. Ad pulled.
Then Sony got experimental with their ads both in the US and Europe. The US ads were abstract, but the European TV spots seemed to have NOTHING to do with videogames, much less Playstation video games. Why does seeing a hot chick drop a deuce make anyone want to buy a PS3? The TV spots weren't as contraversial as the other ads for Sony computer products, but still... these ads seemed to be made by a crazy person.
Also, they came out with this ad for PSP that has a man checking out what appears to be a young man's penis. Turns out what the creepy dude really wants to play with is the kids PSP, not his penis! I GET IT! So who plays their PSP at crotch level standing in front of a urinal anyway? Oh well, at least they had a Sony product in the commercial there at the end.
And now the headless goat used to promote God of War 2. I wonder if anyone got fired over this, or any of these ill-recieved missteps. If this were an isolated incident, I'd be far less concerned, but the fact is Sony has had a terrible track record with their marketing of their software, the PS3 and the PSP, and although I applaud them for trying new things, their efforts to innovate seem to have been recieved poorly.
So what do you think of Sony's marketing hijinks? Innovative, or insane?
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