"If you judge a fish by it's ability to climb a tree, you will find it inadequate"
No one is expecting the Switch to climb any trees.
That doesn't mean we don't appreciate things that can climb trees.
@TheEroica said:
We've had so many examples over the length of the gaming hobby that put on display the fact that player engagement and gameplay creativity trounces visuals...
The switch 2 is going to do very well and make Nintendo buckets of money. I would prefer the industry remain healthy by not overblowing their budgets on visuals because they equate to minimal gain at heavy expense.
Agree 99% but visuals do allow developers to execute their vision to one degree or another. Both objectively (in terms of shadows, lights, model detail, performance) and subjectively (will this hardware help me do what I want?)
There's an old chef's saying of "people eat with their eyes before anything else" and I think this is very true to a lot of things.
On a list of five things, I'd put graphics at like a 6 or 7...not very important. But on a list of 10 things, fairly important.
I definitely prefer a focus on art direction and performance over pure visual realism/wow-factor, though. Especially in this era where we seem to be well into diminishing returns where the hardware investment just isn't really yielding the results we should be getting relative to what we were investing 10 years ago.
I mean, games from the early 2010's look really, really good whereas games now are impressive don't get me wrong but they're not that impressive relative to where we were.
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