In the last few years, I think the 360 has actually seen more innovative games. Gears of War really brought the pop-and-stop cover shooter to the forefront, and Mass Effect reimagined dialogue trees in RPG's.
But when I look at the upcoming slates for both systems, the 360 looks fairly weak in terms of new ideas. I see a few Halo sequels, the expected GeoW3, and Fable III and Mass Effect 2. But they seem very closely derived from their predecessors.
The PS3, on the other hand, has a few games that really seem to push the envelope of immersive, cinematic gameplay. MGS4 is probably the first big example of this, but looking at games like Heavy Rain, it just doesn't even feel like a game out of this generation. And the PS3's pushing boundaries on other fronts: MAG looks to redefine what "epic" means in the online realm with 200+ combatants, though only time will tell if PSN can actually handle that without completely collapsing. And Littlebigplanet has proven a more successful experiment in user-driven content than the much-hyped PC title Spore.
All this adds up to me being a good deal more excited for the PS3's future than any other platform at the moment. Opinions?
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