TLDR; See Below
Wii outsold all competitors, it wasn't even close but it had a major flaw. The hardware simply wasn't powerful enough to run the modern games of it's era. That was a simple hardware limitation that hobbled it in the end and left it's successor, the Wii U without a fighting chance. It wasn't a bad console and Nintendo first party games are legendary but it was the first time we saw one of the major hardware makers release something that simply wasn't capable of running the latest games. These are just facts, this goes beyond the ridiculous fanboy wars of the time(just wait and sales don't matter).
The PS5 is similar to the Wii in that it has a major flaw and as a result is a crippled system. Yes it's the best selling system, just like the Wii was. But in the end, that flaw will hobble it and leave it behind. It simply doesn't make sense to buy a PS5. The competition is offering something so much better with Game Pass. Sony's only defense is to pretend like the old ways were better with exclusives that only benefit the corporation and high price tags($70) that we are encouraged to embrace. I guess that was ok when that was all we had but times have changed.
In the modern world of PC gaming and Steam sales, most gamers have a massive backlog. They can easily ignore the expensive new games knowing soon enough they can be had in a great deal in the next Steam sale. Maybe some here missed it or are pretending it doesn't affect consoles but the digital era with the steam like sales are not only here, they have been here for years now. Gamers in massive scale have rejected the $70 game model in favor of more games at a lower cost. Microsoft in a brilliant move realized this and created Game Pass.
One one hand you have Microsoft which ***INCLUDES*** all of it's first party games day one on all Xbox consoles and PC with their Game Pass service. You don't have to buy an Xbox to get Microsoft's first party games, you can play them on your high end 3080 PC or even on your older 1070 or even 1060 class system. And you will have them day one, included on Game Pass. You also have all the discounts associated with games on Game Pass if you want to purchase a game. You also have the seasonal sales occurring all the time on Microsoft's store. Maybe you want to spend $70 but that will probably happen very rarely and you never have to buy an Xbox to play an exclusive game.
On the other hand you have Sony that locks all of their first party games on Playstation hardware. If you want to play them, you will have to pay $70. If you have a high end PC with a 3080 ti, it doesn't matter you are still forced to buy a Playstation console to play those exclusive games and pay $70 for the privilege. But it's ok because if you don't love the idea of being forced to buy a PS5 even if you already own a high end PC, you will be insulted and mocked. You also have to love the idea of spending $70 on games or you'll be mocked and called poor.
I believe Sony's draconian practices are a major problem that will cost them dearly in the end. Yes they are the sales leader but so was the Wii. But maybe i'm wrong, what do you think? Are you ok with being forced to buy a Playstation even though you already own a capable PC? Are you cool with $70 games and not interested in a service like Game Pass?
Learn how to read.
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