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Lately there have been crazy rumors regarding a possible PSP2 coming out in the near future (possibly this fall). But it would be beyond ridiculous if something like that actually happened. The PSP 3000 only came out this past fall. It wouldn't make any sense to release another new PSP so soon after the 3000 model came out, especially with the number of promising upcoming games throughout the rest of this year. If you really want to get a PSP, there's no reason to put off buying one.
Yes definitley but get one of the older ones because you can do way more stuff with it you can't yet do with the PSP 3000 ;)
I say wait for E3 to see if they announce a new model or not. Otherwise save your money for a PSP-3000 and yes it's absolutely worth it.
I honestly think the PSP is a dumping ground for bad games. Sure there a couple of good games like GOW and Final Fanatsy but its still not much compared the DS's amazing game library. You should definitely consider buying a DSi when it come out. It'll be basically the same thing as the PSP with included features such as viewing picture and being able to play back music files.
Depends, I got a PSP just for Final Fantasy Tactics and I dont regret it. If there are games you really want then go for it. Although it doesn't really look like theres gonna be much for it in the future besides Little Big Planet and Final Fantasy Agito XIII.
Personally I would go with a DS, though I've enjoyed both the psp and DS.The umd movies are meh, pretty neat if you go on trips or if your away from home long periods of time.the game library is alright theres some decent games.
I honestly think the PSP is a dumping ground for bad games. Sure there a couple of good games like GOW and Final Fanatsy but its still not much compared the DS's amazing game library. You should definitely consider buying a DSi when it come out. It'll be basically the same thing as the PSP with included features such as viewing picture and being able to play back music files.
That's quite a dumping ground :roll:
DS>PSP but if you already have a DS, the PSP has some kool games like, GOW CoO, Patapon, Lumines(1 of my favourite puzzle games ever), RR, and some FF remakes. not to mention the upcoming LBP, Motor Storm, and Rock Band. get PSP you have a DS, but if you don't get the DS for sure.
Wait till E3 maybe a new model or maybe a price drop will happen. Other then that its a good handheld to own. THere is a libary.
i got mine for free and wasnt expecting much, but it has recieved an enormous amount of play time. i dont see why people complain about the large number of ports; a great game is a great game. i have invested about 100 hours into it since i recieved it in september, which is substantial given i only play it at work. the screen is great, though a little rough on the glare. but no matter. i love it and since i got it, my ds has rarely been touched.
When is E3 isn't that in June or July? That's a long time to wait.... And I think at the maximum you'll save $20-30 if anything. Just my opinion though. I always by stuff as soon as I can. I figure it's worth the little extra to have it longer.Wait till E3 maybe a new model or maybe a price drop will happen. Other then that its a good handheld to own. THere is a libary.
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