This is more of a question about games. It seems like the Switch went from having a crap load of big titles at launch, to having a pretty mild 2018. And now, 2019 isn’t looking that great either. Am I rite, SW? Or am I missing something?
This is more of a question about games. It seems like the Switch went from having a crap load of big titles at launch, to having a pretty mild 2018. And now, 2019 isn’t looking that great either. Am I rite, SW? Or am I missing something?
Yep, they blew their load in the first 2 years just like the Wii did:
Zelda Breath of the Wild
Super Mario Odyssey
Mario Kart 8 (a port)
Super Smash Bros Deluxe
They'll have some legs with the next-gen Pokemon game, open world Pokemon game that is supposedly coming, and Mario Kart 9. After those come out though I think it'll be dead in the water with no major AAA third party games coming to the system. No big titles for them so we will not see millions upon millions of software sales or significant amount of hardware being bought. Only a select few will be rushing to the stores to grab a Switch for Fire Emblem, Metroid, Animal Crossing, Star Fox or F-Zero.
The Switch is the only true next gen console and the savior of gaming with the largest library of the best version of multiplatform games and it’s spectacular implementation of online gaming. The system offers the best gaming experience over its competitors with a slew of triple A third party support. It’s the most cost effective next gen system with a ample amount of built in storage. Digital purchases are forward compatible with Nintendo’s legendary support for preserving gamers purchases for future use. The Switch is going places, literally.?
Compared to Sony have only 1 big game in its first 2 years? a bought exclusive reskin (Bloodborne)?
@ipex What shovelware? It's been getting tons of great 3rd party multiplats (that it can run) ... its ENTIRELY different to the Wii's slew of shitty games.
@jcrame10 So basically 5-10 games in its life that are "The big ones" ... how is that any different to Sony? I appreciate Sony has the whole "Multiplat" advantage. But you people were saying 2018 woudl be a "downward spiral for the switch because of its dry year" yet look record sales...
Maybe..... just maybe, a full console-handheld device with plenty of unique games and a decent ammount of good easy-to-run multiplats is enticing enough on its own!
Zelda 2 (good chance of this... BOTW was done practically before Switch went live.... using the same engine, we could easily see a Majora's mask equivalent , already hinted at)
Fire Emblem
Combined with all of their lesser titles, is pleanty.
That is far more than Microsoft or Sony offer, if you ar ea multi device owner.
It is a known fact that Nintendo is doomed. All the 1000 threads predicting Switch's failure have all been spot on so far.
The Switch is trash and sales have peaked. It’s already on the downward trend
Remember when you said the Switch wouldn't outsell the GC? Remember when you said Smash is just a niche franchise? The delusion is strong within you, Stuff.
@SolidGame_basic: I suppose it could tail in terms of their big flagship games... It seems we've gotten a taste of all their franchises... I think if they drop a new Zelda (rumored) and Metroid 4 actually sees this console there may be some exciting times ahead... In the meantime, and maybe more importantly for me, they are getting a lot of great time sink, gameplay heavy indie games on the eshop.
CrossCode on switch? That's as good to me as a new Mario game.
Sales wise, maybe, but the Wii actually has a decent amount of games that I like. When comparing libraries, I view the Switch as more analogous to the Wii U, but it's even worse.
Compared to Sony have only 1 big game in its first 2 years? a bought exclusive reskin (Bloodborne)?
@ipex What shovelware? It's been getting tons of great 3rd party multiplats (that it can run) ... its ENTIRELY different to the Wii's slew of shitty games.
@jcrame10 So basically 5-10 games in its life that are "The big ones" ... how is that any different to Sony? I appreciate Sony has the whole "Multiplat" advantage. But you people were saying 2018 woudl be a "downward spiral for the switch because of its dry year" yet look record sales...
Maybe..... just maybe, a full console-handheld device with plenty of unique games and a decent ammount of good easy-to-run multiplats is enticing enough on its own!
Zelda 2 (good chance of this... BOTW was done practically before Switch went live.... using the same engine, we could easily see a Majora's mask equivalent , already hinted at)
Fire Emblem
Combined with all of their lesser titles, is pleanty.
That is far more than Microsoft or Sony offer, if you ar ea multi device owner.
Even if you only owned a PS4, you're getting Resident Evil 2, Kingdom Hearts 3, Anthem, Days Gone and Devil May Cry 5 all in the next 3 months. That's just the ones I know of and am interested in- there are other AAA and indie games coming. PS4 you get every major third party release as well as all of the Sony first party titles.
Compared to that list, what is Switch's next game that is not a third party port or a Wii U/3DS port? Yoshi's Crafted World coming in March? So basically in the same time period Sony is getting 5x more content on the Playstation versus what Nintendo will receive on the Switch.
@SolidGame_basic: I suppose it could tail in terms of their big flagship games... It seems we've gotten a taste of all their franchises... I think if they drop a new Zelda (rumored) and Metroid 4 actually sees this console there may be some exciting times ahead... In the meantime, and maybe more importantly for me, they are getting a lot of great time sink, gameplay heavy indie games on the eshop.
CrossCode on switch? That's as good to me as a new Mario game.
Hmm.. I'll check out CrossCode. It doesn't alarm you that Nintendo hasn't been giving us much updates on 2019 titles?
The Switch is trash and sales have peaked. It’s already on the downward trend and it suffers from massive game droughts with terrible online.
But hey, Sheep get to play a couple 30 Year old trash NES games every month....LOL
Where were you at when I needed some salt for my fries?
The Switch is trash and sales have peaked. It’s already on the downward trend and it suffers from massive game droughts with terrible online.
But hey, Sheep get to play a couple 30 Year old trash NES games every month....LOL
The salt of this fanboy is just laughable. Switch is fine and it will do just fine. WTF is wrong with fanboys like this.
C'mon guys give solidcowbasic the answers he wants to hear, because the Switch outsold his precious PS4 in December and he needs reassurance that it will all be ok lol.
metroid prime 4
fire emblem
animal crossing
yokai watch
pokemon open world
bayonetta 3
yoshi crafted world
sin megami tensei 5
luigis mansion 2
Town (gamefreak IP)
mario kart 9
super mario bros 2D
metroid prime trilogy HD
pubG (hopefully. it works on mobile phones)
persona 5 R
pikmin 4 (thnx mandzilla)
3rd party
doom eternal
mortal kombat 11
wolfenstein youngblood?
marvel alliance 3
final fantasy 7,9, XHD, XIIHD
team sonic racing
dragon quest 11S
yea it has no games for the future. its dead.
if pokemon and animal crossing are coming this year then thats 2 big games that will take 100s of hours to complete (can you complete animal crossing?). if pokemon is a big open world pokemon game like that photshop one that was floating around (which they could do...i dont think they will. but they could. i'm just saying)......god help any game that releases in it's release window. an epic Zelda like trailer with the pokemon theme blasting out in epic fashion showing off capturing pokemon, using them in battles, using them to solve puzzles and so on......that's what we call an E3 winning trailer right there.
....maybe thats why sony is not going to E3 this year. they have managed to get insider info on pokemon switch and just went "nope...not even going to bother. nothing we can show will overshadow that." :P j/k.
but yeah games wise....i dont think its quite hit the highs of the wii but it certainly hasnt hit the lows either. it got pretty low on the wii. the switch has plenty of smaller games and quite a few big games to.
AAA multiplats...yeah. it is what it is. thats not going to change. it's better than it was on the wiiu but i think nintendo need to work with 3rd parties more on getting exclusive content on the switch if 3rd parties want better switch sales. if you want a service focused, mp driven platform or care more for bleeding edge tech and high production values then the switch is not the platform for you.
In less than two years I already got way more fun out of my Switch than my Ps4 so I’m already happy. Everything else that comes out will just be bonus and I have a feeling like there is a lot left to come out. I gotta catch up as I still have tons of games to play lol.
There's a lot of shovel ware on the switch already but it's definitely not at the Wii shovel ware yet.
So much Nintendo hate in this thread.
You're surprised... how?
C'mon guys give solidcowbasic the answers he wants to hear, because the Switch outsold his precious PS4 in December and he needs reassurance that it will all be ok lol.
Sounds about right.
This is more of a question about games. It seems like the Switch went from having a crap load of big titles at launch, to having a pretty mild 2018. And now, 2019 isn’t looking that great either. Am I rite, SW? Or am I missing something?
Butthurt much? Switch is doing fine, we may not get Metroid Prime 4 this year, but at least Gen 8 Pokemon will sell as well as Animal Crossing. Plus, there's more 3rd Party games. I don't care if they play better on PS4, I'm getting majority of them on my Switch due to having a much busier schedule.
Yep, they blew their load in the first 2 years just like the Wii did:
Zelda Breath of the Wild
Super Mario Odyssey
Mario Kart 8 (a port)
Super Smash Bros Deluxe
They'll have some legs with the next-gen Pokemon game, open world Pokemon game that is supposedly coming, and Mario Kart 9. After those come out though I think it'll be dead in the water with no major AAA third party games coming to the system. No big titles for them so we will not see millions upon millions of software sales or significant amount of hardware being bought. Only a select few will be rushing to the stores to grab a Switch for Fire Emblem, Metroid, Animal Crossing, Star Fox or F-Zero.
Why do you keep saying that Pokemon will be open world? And Animal Crossing is still a lot bigger than you realize.
Also Melee isn't on Switch.
@jcrame10: Why do you hate Animal Crossing? Better yet, you're clueless how popular is the title
Sales link Source
Franchise total (as of March 31, 2017) | 32.86 | ||
2001 | GameCube | Animal Crossing | 2.32 million[1] 1.68 million in US, 641,300 in Japan[2] |
2005 | NDS | Animal Crossing: Wild World | 11.75 million[1](March 2015) |
2008 | Wii | Animal Crossing: City Folk | 4.32 million [1](December 2013) |
2013 | 3DS | Animal Crossing: New Leaf | 11.94 million [3] (September2018) |
2015 | 3DS | Animal Crossing: Happy Home Designer | 3.32 million[4] |
2015 | Wii U | Animal Crossing: amiibo Festival | <<1 million |
Well, games take years to produce especially with Nintendo that don't release games needing a number of patches. We could very well see MP4 and Bayonetta 3 this year.
We aren't seeing MP4 anytime soon, especially since Nintendo handed the game back to Retro to redo.
The Switch is trash and sales have peaked. It’s already on the downward trend and it suffers from massive game droughts with terrible online.
But hey, Sheep get to play a couple 30 Year old trash NES games every month....LOL
You're a parody character, right?
The Switch is trash and sales have peaked. It’s already on the downward trend and it suffers from massive game droughts with terrible online.
But hey, Sheep get to play a couple 30 Year old trash NES games every month....LOL
You're a parody character, right?
He's that ban dodger Stuff, you know the guy that cheered for Nintendo to close down due to an earthquake in Japan from last year that caused them to delay the Nintendo Direct last August?
The Switch is trash and sales have peaked. It’s already on the downward trend and it suffers from massive game droughts with terrible online.
But hey, Sheep get to play a couple 30 Year old trash NES games every month....LOL
You're a parody character, right?
He's that ban dodger Stuff, you know the guy that cheered for Nintendo to close down due to an earthquake in Japan from last year that caused them to delay the Nintendo Direct last August?
Well **** him then.
@techhog89: that’s been talked about since the switch was revealed. Check this out:
Also where did I say anything about melee?
That's not a confirmation of anything. He was just answering a question. You just want it to be a massive project so it'll be delayed 2-3 years.
You said Melee in your post, silly. The Smash game on Switch is Ultimate.
@FireEmblem_Man: also why do you think I hate animal crossing? Lol I like all those franchises I listed. FE is my favorite and I just got Samus Returns on my 3DS yesterday. GameStop’s got it for $20 brand new
Then why are you trying to act like Animal Crossing is a niche/second-tier IP?
@FireEmblem_Man: also why do you think I hate animal crossing? Lol I like all those franchises I listed. FE is my favorite and I just got Samus Returns on my 3DS yesterday. GameStop’s got it for $20 brand new
I'm not a big Animal Crossing fan neither, but I recognize that it's a success in handhelds and it sells. It's nowhere near niche status as you think.
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