Well anyway, here's the future games I'm looking out for on my 360:
Crysis 2
Fear 3
Max Payne 3
Gears 3
Ace Combat 7
Hybrid Shooters:
Bioshock Infinite
Dead Space 2
Deus Ex 3
Mass Effect 3
Dragon Age 2
(Would have liked to put Mass Effect 3 here but I would get ripped apart :))
Street Fighter X Tekken / Tekken X Street Fighter
Marvel Vs Capcom 3
Mortal Kombat Reboot
Test Drive Unlimited 2
Forza 4
Dirt 3
Portal 2
Metal Gear Rising
Batman Arkham City
Devil May Cry Reboot
Tomb Raider Reboot
Assassin's Creed 3
Hitman 5
LA Noire
Shadows Of The Damned
Project Kingdoms
The Grinder
Lego Games
De Blob 2
Unannounced but possible:
Half Life Episode 3 / Half Life 3
Elder Scrolls 5 / Bethesda's next game
New (non Kinect) Rareware games
The really obvious things that leap out at you are: tons of shooters, tons of sequels, and tons of multiplats. Its ok, I'm aware of these issues, no need to go mental at me :) My only point is, lots of dev support and great games, going from early 2011 up to 2012. But what about Wii? Future games I'm looking out for on Wii are:
Zelda Skyward Sword
Conduit 2
Last Story (if localised)
Xenoblade (if localised)
Dragon Quest X
The Grinder
Lego Games
De Blob 2
Lost In Shadow
Earth Seeker (if localised)
Unannounced but possible:
Pikmin 3 (confirmed, but not necessarily for Wii)
F Zero / Starfox / Other IP?
Now that's a much smaller list, relying almost entirely on Ninty. Not being a fanboy, actually been searching release dates for 2011 and found not much else for Wii. Now, the REALLY scary thing (for a Wii owner who cares not for handhelds, ake me!) is that the 3DS is out next year. My big worry is, Zelda is Wii's last hurrah from Ninty as they go full on to support 3DS and possibly develop games for a new console. 3rd parties follow suit and flock to 3DS, o no :cry:
So, is this scenario likely in your view? Is the Wii winding down, or is there a whole slate of 1st and 3rd party games still to come?
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