My freinds: this is something rather perturbing both emotionally, spiritually and mentally. As a series, "The Witcher" has been heralded by CD Project as well as (apparently) pc gamers as a godsend of classic RPG;s
However, a certain paradox has happemed that could arguably be called "self imposed" hypocrisy.
For example: if we cast our minds back to the Witcher 2 video, showing off footage, CDP slipped in a message, aimed towards people bad mouthing pc gaming.
However, upon playing the Witcher 2, it played absolutely nothing like a pc game. It featured console like quick time events asking for button promps, repeated "cinematic tapping" and rather awkward third person wall leaning sections akin to Metal Gear Solid.
The combat itself, was basically fable.
The Witcher 3 appears to be gunning for Skyrims pot of money (supposedly) changing to an open world game. Demonstrations have been done on a control pad and from what we can see, the combat appears to be an even more sped up Witcher 2 system, closer to hack in slack console games such as DMC.
Am I the only fellow who has the clarity, foresight and in general, courage to see the massive hypocrisy at play?
For example: when the Dragon Age changed design, becoming a more hack and slash game, using simplified dialogue systems and simplstic smaller levels, it was shredded apart by pc gamers.
Yet this, amazingly, seems to go unchallanged, as if sweet honey words have blinded them.
So I ask the people, is the witcher series more of a console series or a pc series?
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