I make this thread because i think MS is artificially trying to make seen like the xbox one is really out performing the xbox 360 by allot,but in reality when you compare the numbers it really isn't the case.
Now the xbox one we all know started better sold 3 million units which is way more than what the xbox 360,but a key difference here is that the xbox 360 had a severe shortage do to yields which the xbox one didn't have,the xbox 360 had problems with shipment until April 2006 from November 2005 that is 5+ months of shortage,the xbox 360 sold 1.5 million units on holiday 2005 which is half of what the xbox one sold,but never the less the xbox one had a shortage.
NPD 2014 Xbox one.
Janaury 143k.
February 258k
March 320k
Arpil 115k
May 77k
June 195k.
Total 1108k
NPD xbox 360 2006.
Jan 250k Supply constrained.
Feb 160k Supply constrained.
Mar 54% less than April. supply constrain.
April 295k end of supply constrain.
May 180k
June 277k.
Total 1292k.
This ^^ is by NPD on the first 6 months of 2006 and 2014,as you can see the xbox 360 actually edge the xbox one in those 6 months,even on June when the xbox one hit $399.
Ms had 5 million units shipped by March 30,the xbox 360 had 5 million by June 30,the problem is that by June 30 MS still was rolling on those 5 million xbox one,since most of what was shipped was still unsold and they on April claimed they would slow down or even stop shipment of xbox to allow the channels to be clear.
As of September 30 the xbox 360 was 6 millions,and MS claimed it would ship 10 million units by the end of the year which they did shipping a whopping 4.4 million units in October,November and December to achieve the number of 10.4 million units shipped by December 31.
We know for fact MS shipped 10.4 million xbox 360 by December 31 2006.
We know MS shipped almost 10 million units as of November 15 which included shipments to be sold in the holidays since MS sales were abysmal before the holidays,i did the first 6 months but the outselling continues by the 360 in july it sold 207k vs 137k xbox the one sold in july 2014,hell the 360 in its first july sold more than the PS4 on its first one.
So is MS actually trying to desperately make seen as if the xbox one is beating the xbox 360 when in reality it isn't or is close to it.?
Lets note some mark difference which make the xbox one sales trend look even more dull..
The xbox 360 had a shortage for 5+ months the xbox one flooded the market with unsold units.
The xbox 360 was never sold for up to $170 dollars under its original retail value.
The xbox 360 didn't have a free game included since January 2006 or bundle free any of its big games of 2006 like,Oblivion,Ghost Recon,dead rising or gears.
The xbox 360 didn't pack 2 free games on holiday while giving a free $50 dollar gift card on top of a price drop.
If the xbox 360 didn't have a shortage,and have all this 3 points i bold here during the xbox one first year even the wii would have not outsell the xbox 360.
A $230 xbox 360 with 2 games and a free $50 gift card would have destroy the market completely.
Alto i have to say the xbox one didn't have a $299 version,well not until the holidays were the unit was $330+ a $50 gift card which essentially make your xbox one cost as low as $280.
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