2 years ago, there was a console named the PS3, it was 400$, its rival was the X360, it was also400$ ...... however the X360 had cheaper brothers sold for at 300$ and 200$ .... things were mesirable for the PS3.
The gap was as wide as a sea, around 8 million consoles to be exact. Very few believed the PS3 can survive or compete with the X360, but they forgot that the PS brand is strong and the only problem was its price.
Sony decided to drop the bomb and they slashed the price to 300$ and remodeled their console, a similar move was made by MS and let's not forget that the X360 still has much cheaper models than PS3.
2 years have passed since then, too bad there is no trust worthy site to report the sales but according to the latest reports from Sony and MS:
- the X360 is at 55 million sold/shipped
- the PS3 is at 51.8 million sold/shipped
Which means the gap shrinked between both consoles by around 5 million in less than 2 years in favor of the PS3 despite:
- Kinect release ( Kinect is selling well, but apparantly it's not a system seller)
- the X360 having cheaper models
- the PSN crisis
Both consoles are still selling strong, the X360 is domination in NA, the PS3 is almost selling soley in JPN and it's dominating in EU ( simple math, while the X360 is dominating in NA, the gap is shrinking ..... the PS3 must be doingmultiple times better than the X360 in JPN and EU)
YES it Could make it ..... or not
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