XBox was a strong start. It didn't sell as much as it probably should have, but it got the ball rolling on big franchises like Halo and Splinter Cell. It paved the way for where console online would ultimately go with Live. It was unquestionably the most powerful system.
360 became a mixed bag. It started out hitting all the right cadences. Peter Moore was brutal at stealing Sony's lunch money again and again. Some of it was trickster narrative artistry but it absolutely must be said that it was backed up with a whole lot of games. Even managing the unthinkable by getting quality Japanese support. The 360s first three years were some of the best post-PS1 years in gaming. They just got so much right.
The second half of 360, was equally as much a let-down as the first half was triumph. I'd even go as far as to say the XBox One really launched in 2009. I mean, if you're the variety of gamer prosletyzing the glorious Gospel of the Generationless Console as a Platform bullshit then there really is no separation from the post 2008 XBox 360 and what MS was doing with the XBox One. Exclusives don't matter, amirite? Tribute band developers are awesome, right? Outsourcing and in-sourcing your biggest IP is le righteous, amirite? ....Kinect, amirite?
Anyhoo, this is by far the worst generation for XBox. As much effort as they have put trying to distance themselves from the XBone launch, they have also exerted into remaining in place. There was a point there where kitchen sink hucksterism was going on and they are still paying a price for it even right now. "The Chalkboard" is an omnipresent meme in the fanboy wars. "Cloud Powah" is getting tied to a post and beaten. XBox and its fanbase are still trying to reverse engineer a narrative that allows studio acquisitions and exclusives to be hyped again after SWEARING to have evolved past such things like almighty gaming Vorlon overlords who were too good for that. Sad punch line to the joke being, XBox One isn't even the goal any more for XBox or even its fans, really.
I mean, XBox has always cut and run from its consoles a tad early, but XBox One is the first generation where XBox fans wanted to cut out early, as well. Its "Sony hasnt invested in Cloud, this" and "6 tflops" that. "Hey guys, look at all the studios making games for Scarlet". Not to mention, XBox fans are thinly veiled in their attempts to pull the Playstation 5 reveal earlier and earlier. Not because they can't wait for a new Playstation, but because they can't wait for an excuse to have a new XBox reveal. If thats not a low-point for a fanbase and its console, I dont know what is.
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