Of the genre? **** NO, it's really good, but let's not get carried away, that genre has had plenty classics: Metroid Prime, System Shock 2, Shadow of Chernobyl, Fear, etc
The best FPS of the new gen? Yes, convincingly (if I do say so myself). Admittedly that's currently being the tallest midget since its competition is Titanfall (good), Call of Duty (meh), and Destiny (poor), but otherwise it's a damn good single player shooter. Gunplay is top notch, dual wielding feels nice as ****, encounter designs are well paced and varied, the game even nails some of narrative related stuff between a well realized aesthetic, the characterization of everyone in the game, and all that jazz.
Game could have used some crazier weapons and the boss battles could have been less lame, but otherwise damn good shooter. Not surprising since this team used to work on Escape from Butcher Bay and The Darkness. But the king of the FPS? I mean let's not get carried away, all time, **** no, and currently the competition level isn't there for that to even be impressive. But, it's definitely a cool game, Sniper is off his rocker for not like this game, but then defending a turd like Doom 3 or something.
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