@Ballroompirate said:
Best? hell no, is it a top 5 so far? sure.
I love Xcom 2, but it's a step down from Xcom EU with it's shitty mission structure. I'm not a fan of having a move limit and the Avatar Project is just the dumbest shit ever, seriously those missions when you have to save civilians is the worst mission(s) ever cause it ALWAYS comes down to the wire of losing almost every civi cause the mission straight up favors Alien rolls/finding the civis before you.
I haven't lost a civilian rescue yet. A tip: don't even think about the civilians, do not try to rescue them, any left alive at the end of the mission will be saved. Enemies that are activated will usually attack your units, so activate them pretty quickly. If you make it really hard for them to attack you, like an obvious overwatch ambush, they'll just ignore you and attack more civvies so keep that in mind.
That same mission type was in EU though. The only difference in 2 is that they are called Retaliation missions now, not Terror missions.
Also EU had timed missions.
Avatar Project is fine.
XCOM 2 is a step up in my opinion, smarter tech trees, more options, better enemies, stronger challenge.
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