I remember how many people were saying that MGS4 graphics are bad and the textures are crap and it doesn't look good from the videos and screenshots
Guess what MGS4 is the best looking game on consoles in many reviewers and people opinion and its really a good looking game
And it is the best game this gen in also many reviewers and peoples opinion
I mean it has the best graphics and the best sounds and story and an amazing gameplay and boss fights and mindblowing cutscenes
xbox fans just leave your fanboyism away for at least couple of days and go play this game and if you don't own a ps3 play it on your friend's ps3 because it is like a crime to be a gamer and not play this awesome game
And seriously cut the "ps3 doesnt have good games" crap
Ratchet and clank-uncharted-resistance-gt5 prologue-mlb 08 the show and mgs4 are amazing ps3 exclusive without mentioning the upcoming games like LBP ,resistance 2,killzone 2,bioshock(with additional content) ,motorstorm 2,FFXIII and god of war 3.
and iam looking foreword to E3 to know more about these games
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